Oskar Hansen: Open Form, MACBA, Barcelona


Following MACBA’s interest in understanding the role played by architecture in the expression of modernity outside orthodoxy, the exhibition dedicated to the work of the Polish architect Oskar Hansen (1922–2005) will concentrate on the evolution of his Open Form theory. More than a theory, however, it was conceived as a tool for designing architectural projects. Its evolution and application to art education, film editing, visual games and performative practice led to a series of experiments that place the interaction with the other, the exchange and socialisation of the artistic object at the centre of the artist’s attention. Hansen created a revolutionary educational system of great potential for the development of the creative and relational faculties of the individual and the group. In this system all individual actions must seek the response and the implication of the other or the group. The exhibition brings to the fore the importance of radical pedagogies at a time when the official education system is in crisis and art has a role to play as a provider of experiences and knowledge outside the classroom.


Curators: Soledad Gutiérrez and Łukasz Ronduda in collaboration with Aleksandra Kędziorek Exhibition organised and produced by: Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Tour: Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Serralves, Oporto.

Its realization was supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA grants and co-financed by the Polish funds, in framework of a project “Oskar Hansen (1922-2005). Research-Exhibition Project Devoted to Hansen's Oeuvre and Persistance of His Thought in Teaching Architecture and Visual Arts in Poland and Norway” launched by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw in collaboration with the Bergen School of Architecture.

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